The word Makaton was created by using the first few letters of the names of people involved in it's development - Margaret Walker (MA) Katherine Johnston (KA) and Tony Cornforth (TON)
Makaton was first developed by a speech therapist, Margaret Walker, in the 1970's. In 1997 she was awarded an MBE for her services in healthcare and in 2019 she was recognised in the Pride of Britain awards.
Margaret Walker MBE, originally designed the Makaton Language Programme (now known as the Makaton Communication Programme) to support adults with Learning Disabilities with their communication.
1972/3 - Original research took place resulting in the design of the Makaton Core Vocabulary, based on functional need.
1976 - Makaton Core Vocabulary established, the first Makaton training workshop was delivered. The Makaton Symbols Working Party was founded. The Makaton Vocabulary Development Project (MVDP) established as a non-profit organisation.
1978 - The first Makaton Tutor training course.
1980 - Work started on the Makaton Resource Vocabulary.
1981 - The Makaton Language Programme began being used overseas.
1983 - The Makaton Vocabulary Development Project (MVDP) became a registered charitable trust.
1985 - Makaton Core Vocabulary Symbols published, enabling multi-modal use of signs and symbols.
1999 - Makaton was being used in over 40 countries around the world.
2000 - Number of qualified Makaton Tutors in the UK reaches 800.
2004 - 'Makaton' was added to the Oxford English dictionary. BBC Something Special' received Royal Television Society award for Early Years.
2005 - Something Special programme nominated for a BAFTA Award.
2007 -The Makaton Charity established and MVDP transferred to The Makaton Charity.
2008 - The Ministry of Justice Secretary of State's report on Disability Equality stated ' Using Makaton signage is one example of the type of adjustments that can be made and which can have a significant impact of giving people with learning disabilities increased confidence to navigate more independently around the courts.
2010 - Number of licensed Makaton Tutors reached 1,000.
2011 - 35 years since the first Makaton workshop was held.
2012 - UK Department of Education research showed that Makaton is the most used intervention with children age 0-2 years and used by 82% of Speech & Language Therapists.
2013 - Makaton Friendly scheme launched. Makaton worked with the Welsh Government to produce the Core Vocabulary in Welsh.
2016 - The Makaton Charity rebranded and developed a new look, 40 years since the first Makaton workshop was held.
2018 - The first Makaton Friendly Town established in Romsey. ASDA introduced Makaton into their stores with a shopping list board.
2025 - Makaton Friendly and Makaton Aware schemes now available. Workshops for Frontline staff teams are now available. The Makaton Charity continue to research and develop.
References: The Makaton Charity
Want to learn more? Sign up for a Level 1 to begin your Makaton journey!

Margaret Walker MBE, founder of Makaton, explains how Makaton was first developed in this short video