Many care providers use Makaton within Health and social care settings
It helps people with communication and / or understanding difficulties.
Reasons why Makaton is essential to a health and social care setting:
- Enhanced communication
- Decision making
- Informed consent
- Inclusivity
- Person-centred care
- Access to information and services
Enhanced communication
Using signs and/or symbols allows practical expression, expressing preferences and making requests. Makaton helps people with learning disabilities, speech and language difficulties and communication challenges to communicate more effectively.
Decision Making
Presenting information in a visual way can aid and support understanding of medical procedures, treatments that may be required and give input into their care plan, this can support shared decision-making.
Informed consent
By presenting information visually, a person is more able to understand and communicate their consent with regards to their treatment/procedure. Makaton allows everyone to be actively involved in joining in with conversations.
Makaton promotes inclusivity by enabling care teams to communicate in a way that is visual to support people with diverse communication needs to access settings and their care.
Person-centred care
Having shared knowledge of a communication system such as Makaton can support a person in their understanding and their accessing of care by reducing communication barriers, this will enhance their care experience. Makaton caters for many communication difficulties, it makes information more accessible for people who struggle to process just the spoken word.
Access to information and services
Makaton enhances access to information and services provided within health and social care settings. Transitions within healthcare, information leaflets produced in text with visual symbols, symbols signs for wayfinding, the list is endless, all of these and more will help make it easier for people communication difficulties to access.

Benefits of using Makaton within a care setting
Using Makaton can help reduce frustration, anxiety or being withdrawn.
Makaton improves communication between care givers and an individual, it’s a valuable tool.
Makaton helps provide another means of expression.
Makaton supports those who struggle with processing just verbal information.
Makaton creates a more inclusive and supportive environment
Makaton gives care givers a better understanding of an individual's wants and needs that they are providing care for.
Makaton can improve the quality of care and support received.
Makaton can make a significant difference to a person’s life if they struggle to communicate.
The reality of Makaton within Health and Social Care
All staff require Makaton training, consistent use in settings is key.
Trust can be lost if communication isn’t effective
Understanding a person’s expectations and worries is essential
People become more involved in their own care giving people vital control over their health and care.
If a person’s expectations are not met they feel disempowered. It maybe they feel that a carer has misunderstood or is disregarding their preferences and needs.
A gap in knowledge of a communication method can affect a person’s mental health and wellbeing. It may make a person feel out of control of the decision-making process.
It is vital that strategies are in place to ensure inclusivity for those with communication needs
Staff team Makaton training and support from a qualified Makaton Tutor, licensed to deliver training, consistent use of Makaton and other visual supports, this can help carers understand needs and expectations of the individuals in their care. Find Makaton training here
Makaton is a valuable communication aid, used by many to support speech, language and communication. It enhances communication and bridges the communication gap. It ensures informed consent, fosters trust and inclusivity and improves accessibility for many.
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